Friday, July 20, 2007

No post yesterday, didn't want everyone to think I would have something to say everyday. I know, I know, you all think I ALWAYS have something to say, but I admit it's not always something interesting, so I'll spare ya'll the daily mononaty.
It is Thursday, (well technically it's Friday, since it is the middle of the night) and it seems we have a routine developing. If I tuck Augie & Bella in bed before I leave for work, they seem to manage a midnight feeding together, and she wakes him up at six to get ready for school/work. Then I get home, and they are both happy to see me, & in good moods. Hooray!!!!! I have to admit that I was starting to worry about a back up plan. Now if I could just settle into a routine during the day that allows me get something done, and get some sleep we'd really be rocking along!
Tomorrow Bella's going to the daycare at the gym for the first time. Fingers crossed everyone! I'm sure she'll do great, I'm the one who gets upset. Amazing how parenthood transforms you into a blubbering fool!
That's it for today, hope everyone is well!
Much Love,

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