Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bella in Denver

Bella and her big strong brother are visiting her grandparents and extended family in Denver this weekend, and I am told having a blast! I will post pictures and excitement as it unfolds, but this is her biggest longest time away...
I am muddling through, yes thanks for asking...

Monday, April 28, 2008

Bella is ONE now!

Can you believe it, she has turned one. It has flown by, but at the same time, it feels like so much has happened.
Here is the lowdown on her latest....
  • She is 19#, and sitting int a new snazzy forward facing car seat/throne
  • She is walking, but like a drunken sailor
  • She is saying lots of words... MaMa, DaDa, Ba, Hi, Bye, Up, and lots of babbling
  • She waving bye bye, and hi, and shaking her head no
  • She has also figured out how to open my cell phone and pretend to talk on it, I have no idea where she got that...
  • She is eating most anything, and is very rarely picky
  • She is mostly sleeping through the night, just one bottle some nights
  • She was moved up to the 10-18 mo old classroom, and she is learning a more structured skill in that classroom, and she is settling in, and doing more everyday
  • She still has little hair, Augie says it is a "skullet"
  • She is mostly serious and figuring things out, always watching and solving things
  • She is also very sensitive, no rough housing in front of her, she even melted down when my friend gave me a bear hug the other day, while I was holding her.
  • She is a funny girl, and a true pleasure, and everyday I feel blessed to be her mother!
Also, I update her pictures on the picassa web album, so you can always go there for the pictures, and I will keep putting new ones, and video here as well!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Nakie game of Catch!

I am starting to keep this blog up again, so that everyone can enjoy how much our girl is growing!
This morning her strong willed self decided that she didn;t want the diaper on, so I left it off, hence the nakieness. Then she showed Josh how to paly catch in Bella's world. I was able to only capture a min of video, (have to get a new camera for video), but I knew you would all enjoy it very much

Watch for more pictures and videos of Bella's Beautiful World.....