Saturday, July 28, 2007

It's all Harry's fault!

So sorry for the long delay. It really is Harry's fault! I have been reading Harry Potter #7 since Saturday. For those of you Potter fans, you understand, and everyone else, you'll just have to be forgiving! So Harry & I are finished, ahhh the end of an era. But, I'll refocus, back to Bella...
Yes, Nonnie is right, I do need to post more pictures, like blogging, pretty much everything else in life took a short break this last week, not totally Harry's fault. I have been struggling a little with the working nights, well actually with the sleeping during the day with a 3 month old, schedule. Anyway, I am working on all of that, and I promise to get more pictures online for the post next week.
Bella is getting big, and admittedly a little spoiled. ( I won't admit that in person, so don't bring it up!!!) I actually had to call in to work last night 2 hours before my shift, because neither Augie nor I could get her to stop crying. I still have no idea what the problem was, but finally a couple of doses of Tylenol and she went to bed. We were worn out! That girl has some staying power. I have done the put her in her bed and let her cry trick a couple of times, and she is always still crying after the 30 minutes. I am impressed. I think she got a stubborn streak from her dad!
The good news is that when she is happy, she is wonderful. She is really holding up her head well, and wants to be a part of ever thing. She has also started laughing a lot. The other day I took her to a friend's house, and she thought their little dogs were hysterical. Lola, the chihuahua, is her new best friend. She laughed, and laughed. It was very cute. Too bad I can't post audio. She is playing by herself off and on through the day, and also like her dad, she loves the TV. Go figure!
We are moving starting on the first. We have 2 weeks to move, but I think we will try to do most of it sooner than later, we are all quite ready to move. The 3 flights of stairs have really gotten old, carrying Bella, and all of her stuff up and down. So expect pictures in the new house soon.
Well, that's all for now. Please, let me know if you are reading along, and enjoying this blog. I spend enough time talking to myself, so it would make me feel better to think someone else is getting something out of it.

Much Love, (still working on that cute slogan)

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